Dare To Be Conscious Podcast
If a manual for life would exist, it would look something like this.
The podcast that gets you to change anything with ease.
Podcasting since 2024 • 10 episodes
Dare To Be Conscious Podcast
Latest Episodes
EP 10: If It's Not A F*ck Yes It's A F*ck No
The way that I’ve been approaching every choice in my life, is with the statement: Ifit's not a F*ck Yes it's a F*ck No. Everybody is able to recognize a F*ck Yes. It’swhen it’s not a F*ck Yes, people start weighing their options. Shall I d...
Season 1
Episode 10

Ep 9: In The Name Of Jesus. Really?
In today's episode, we will discuss the sentence “In Jesus’ name” and how much it can stir up with people depending on their experience. What “In jesus’ name” means to one person, means something completely different to another. I wonder wh...
Season 1
Episode 9

EP 8: Law Versus Legal
About two years ago, I had the privilege to do an online interview with JenniferGoodwin. She was able to tell me all about Law versus Legal and how anything that is made by humans, can never be above the creation of God.What you are abo...
Season 1
Episode 8

EP 7: When Life Throws Unexpected Things
Life can throw you some unexpected things. What came up for me is the story I want to share with you about what happened in my family and with my sister. The sudden death of my brother and finding out my oldest sister had lung cancer - one day ...
Season 1
Episode 7

EP 6: Is Consciousness Difficult Or Are People Just Lazy?
Today’s question: Is consciousness difficult or are people just lazy? Now what kindof a question is that? And what do you mean “are people just lazy”. Doesn’teverybody want to be more conscious or have a flow in life where things are ea...
Season 1
Episode 6